Thank you.

First, we have to say congratulations to the graduate(s) in your life! We hope the ceremony was beautiful, the speeches were inspiring, the party full of laughter, and the dinner delicious at every bite.

Second, we’d like to say thank you! We had this idea last winter, worked on it and had it printed, and put it out into the world, and ever since we have been hearing positive feedback from so many! 

You took a chance and bought a book from two strangers, or maybe you know us and supported us through a purchase. Either way, we can’t quite fully explain how much your support means to us. 

Another amazing part of this experience has been working with more than 25 indie booksellers and gift shops across the country, from New England to as far away as Gilbert, Arizona! Each time we heard from another shop that wanted to carry copies, it was further affirmation that we were onto something meaningful. 

It’s been a real treat to hear stories about the gifting aspect of the book and what kind of response it elicited. Photos are also welcome, and we’ll only share with your permission. Or share online and use the hashtag #deargraduatebook so we can find them there, too. A photo of the graduate in our life is below! 

Should you (or your graduate) care to leave us a review on our site (on Amazonor your favorite book reading app, e.g., GoodReads, etc.), that would be greatly appreciated. Or leave comment on our site and we’ll add them to our growing Reviews page.

We’re working on another new project, which has evolved as organically as “Dear Graduate” did. It’s titled “Dear Citizen” and it’s about a very different topic that has long been important to us: campaign finance reform and political corruption. We are hoping to spark some conversations about how we can all come together to address some of America’s political issues.

We’re working towards a print version this fall. In the meantime, you can read an early, still-evolving edition of it at Check it out and let us know your thoughts if you'd like. 

We hope that the graduate in your life was inspired by “Dear Graduate.” And we hope it continues to move them, helping to navigate their life to find satisfaction, pride, and happiness in whatever they do. 

Thank you again and we hope you have a great summer! 

—Charles McEnerney & Adam Larson


Thank You for Our Second Successful Season


“A Jamaica Plain-born book called Dear Graduate.”